The Judeo-Masonic evil has been responsible for many, many genocides throughout the course of history with their “Revolutions” which always result in wiping out Christian societies and doing whatever they can to destroy the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here is a list of some of their genocides that we know about. This is also discussed in the video at the bottom of our page on “Freemasonry.”
Armenian Genocide by the “Young Turks” (i.e. the Bolsheviks who took over Turkey):
Mexican Genocide:
The Mexican genocide in the 1920’s was, of course, done by the judeo-masonic evil. The movie,”For Greater Glory: The True Story of Christiada,” depicts what happened to the Christeros that the Mexican government was against. Unfortunately, the United States worked hard to halt weapons going in to aide the Christeros.
The book, “The Undermining of the Catholic Church” by Mary Ball Martinez explains how the U.S. Ambassador (a Protestant) was doing negotiations for the Vatican peace agreements.
A good discussion about it is here in this older video:
Irish Genocide:
Coming Soon
Nazi Genocide of the Jews (this is where the Zionists wiped out many of their own people in order to build the Zionist Nation/State of Israel):