Vatican Takeover

The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by the Judeo/Masonic occult and has morphed into a Post-conciliar, counterfeit church. The mass has been, completely, changed to the “Novus Ordo” (New Order) false service that is nothing more than a protestant service without the sacrifice and the renewal of Calvary. It has been changed to be just a celebration of the Lord’s Supper when the traditional Latin Rite has always been where the mass encompasses everything that happened at Calvary.

The final stages of the infiltration were implemented with the Novus Ordo mass; however, it started several years before that with many steps in the evil takeover of the Church. This explanation of the Liturgical Revolution shows the areas that were changed leading up to the New Mass. The Daily Missal was one place that was drastically changed starting in 1955 when Holy Week was reformed by Fr. Bugnini who was eventually revealed as a Freemason. Read more about the Missal Crisis of ’62.

Vatican II, also, translated the Latin liturgy into the English language through the International Commission on English Liturgy (ICEL) which switched the entire meaning of the Mass. One of the Priests (Stephen Somerville) who served on the Advisory Board of ICEL, publicly, renounced the evil he took part in and you don’t want to miss his confession. Of course, jewtube took down the video we had on it because they can’t have people seeing the truth but this website shows the open letter sent by Father Somerville (May he rest in peace and may God’s perpetual light shine upon his soul).

In that letter, he explains the following which is VITAL for True Catholics to understand:

“…the Second Vatican Council was early commandeered and manipulated and infected by modernist, liberalist, and protestantizing persons and ideas. These writings show further that the new liturgy produced by the Vatican “Consillium” group, under the late Archbishop A. Bugnini, was similarly infected. Especially the New Mass is problematic. It waters down the doctrine that the Eucharist is a true sacrifice, not just a memorial. It weakens the truth of the Real Presence of Christ’s victim Body and Blood by demoting the Tabernacle to a corner, by reduced signs of reverence around the Consecration, by giving Communion in the hand, often women, by cheapening the sacred vessels, by having used six Protestant experts (who disbelieve the Real Presence) in the preparation of the new rite, by encouraging the use of sacro-pop music with guitars, instead of Gregorian chant and by still further novelties.”

“By now it should be most evident to Catholics that our current woes reflect nothing less than a cataclysmic crisis afflicting the papacy itself, that the overshadowing of this office by the powers of darkness has put the Church as a whole in a state of eclipse.”
Sedevacantism Takes on the Opposition

Prophecies Have Warned of the Takeover of the Vatican

“In the last days, Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ…The Church will be in eclipse; the world will be in dismay.”
Our Lady of LaSalette, 1846

“The Holy Father will have much to suffer.” Our Lady of Fatima, 1917

Read more about “Scripture Scholars, Ancient and Modern” from Gary Giuffré.

Jim Condit Jr (TRUE Traditional Catholic) explains the changes in the church as it was being infiltrated by the judeo-masonic evil. (Video Title: “Jim Condit Jr. Part 1 the old Church vs the Counterfeit Church“)

Jim Condit Jr. also explains much about the takeover of the Vatican and the switching of the Pope in this video titled “Jim Condit Jr. The Zionist Take Over of the Catholic Church.”

This video from 1961 is by Benjamin Freedman who explains how Zionism took over America during WWI and the “Jewish power structure which dominates the United States.”

**VITAL INTERVIEW** Jim Condit Jr. being interviewed by Michael Collins Piper (Rest in Peace, Michael):

12/27/2019 – As you can see from our whole website, youtube (created by the judeo-masonic evil) continues to bring down many of the videos we once had posted. We leave them blank so that our viewers can see how many they are removing in an effort to stifle freedom of speech. Because of some of these being removed, we are adding some more current videos such as this EXCELLENT one from Father Jenkins which explains how the judeo-masonic evil took over the Vatican and is controlling most of the western world, in it’s entirety today. He explains how antipope Francis is one of their puppets and is a heretic who is misleading souls. He also reminds people, how the Freemasons (created by the talmudic jews as they brag about) said that the Church wouldn’t come to the Freemasons, so the Freemasons needed to come to the Church for their infiltration.