Our Lady of Fatima

Catholics and Non-Catholics should understand the message from Our Lady of Fatima that is so VITAL in recognizing the evils of Communism brought on by the judeo-masonic Bolsheviks. It is the key to understanding the great wars and what the future holds. This film describes it best for all people irregardless of their religious worship.

If you are a modern Catholic who attends the Novus Ordo mass, you might not know much about what happened at Fatima, Portugal because the story has been silenced.

To learn the beautiful story of Fatima and to heed the warning given, Father Gruner is the best place to start. Father Gruner (may he rest in peace) was called the “Fatima Priest” and he worked hard over the last 25+ years trying to remind people of the truth of what happened in 1917.

http://www.fatima.org/world on brink of WW3Problem                              Solution

Ever since 1958 when it appears that the Pope was switched, the counterfeit Church has kept the secret of Fatima silenced and it still is kept from being taught to young children and in modern parishes. Why? Obviously, they don’t want the faithful to know of their backroom deals with the devil. The message from our Lady of Fatima goes against an agreement they made with Russia and they don’t want us to know about it. That’s right. In 1962, the Vatican signed a secret agreement with Moscow, the “Metz Pact”. “This pact was a formal agreement signed by the Vatican Secretary of State which forced the Church not to condemn the errors of Russia anymore” (-Father Gruner. p.18).

Here is the whole story about the Vatican-Moscow agreement – http://www.fatimacrusader.com/cr26/cr26pg05.asp http://www.worldenslavementorpeace.com/e8cp8.asp

1960 was when the 3rd secret of Fatima was supposed to be revealed. This is when the Virgin Mary said that things would “be clearer then”; however, instead of the secret being revealed, “pope” John XXIII did nothing. He read the secret and gave a press release saying it would probably never be revealed – Here’s the story.

In 2012, Newsmax reported on the issue and said:

“According to a number of historians, “irrefutable evidence” claims to explain the reasons behind the absence of any reference to Communism in the documents. “Pope” John XXIII strongly wanted members of the Russian Orthodox Church — then deeply entangled with the Kremlin and the KGB — to take part in the council, and he was prepared to make an extraordinary concession to secure their presence: to refrain from making “hostile declarations” on Russia.”

So what is so important about the secret that they want it silenced? Watch this important video that explains the biggest fraud perpetuated onto the faithful:


Miracle of the Sun

During the 3rd apparition of Fatima on July 13, 1917, Lucia asked the Virgin Mary if she could perform a miracle so that people would believe and she replied, “continue to come here every month and in October I will tell you who I am and what I want and I will perform a miracle for all to see and believe.” On October 13, 1917, the Miracle of the Sun occurred, witnessed by at least 70,000 people.

Later, in 1951, the Vatican released a photo of the Miracle of the Sun that was published in Life Magazine where it showed an eclipse of the Sun happening. The time of day was impossible for an eclipse to occur.

“In the end, My immaculate heart will triumph”

This, phenomenal, book explains so many things about Fatima and how we are witnessing the “Devil’s Final Battle.” Here is the website – http://www.devilsfinalbattle.com/

Devil's final battle

Last Days of the World

The evils of the world have become very diabolical and will continue to worsen because “the hearts of men have become so cold” as described by Father O’Connor in this video.

Other Resources:




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