Pope Switched?
There are many questions regarding the “election” of a Pope, in 1958, after Pope Pius XXII died. Many Catholics (especially “Traditional Catholics”) today follow what is called, “The Siri Thesis” as they are trying to analyze the crisis in the Church. It is called a “Thesis” since it hasn’t been admitted by the Church…yet; however, that doesn’t mean that the evidence is lacking. There is a preponderance of evidence that should be considered in understanding what happened on that fateful day in 1958 when the White Smoke rose up from the stovepipe above the Sistine Chapel.
This website from one of our staff members (Jim Condit Jr.) is honestly the BEST source out there as it contains factual information that goes directly to the main sources (i.e., Siri himself, People who were at the 1958 Conclave, Attendees of the Vatican 2 “council” such as Malachi Martin, Catholic Doctrinal sources, etc.) – https://whitesmoke1958.com/
We also encourage our audience to listen to the following interviews with Judith Sharpe (of the “In the Spirit of Chartres” Committee, Inc.) – http://isoc.ws/interviews/#gary-giuffre
**NOTE: We have several amazing interviews with Jim Condit Jr. on this topic but they are too large to post on this website so CONTACT us to receive them!**
This information is compiled on the “Novus Ordo Watch” website:
We present the following items to help inform and educate and to make people ask questions about what truly happened after the death of Pope Pius XII:
- Former FBI Consultant Claims: U.S. Intel Documents show Cardinal Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII in 1958
- Video: The Conclave of 1958, Smoke Signal Confusion, Roncalli shows up on Balcony
- Fr. Charles-Roux Testifies to Irregularities at 1958 Conclave
- Interview Series: Jim Condit, Jr. on the 1958 Conclave, Sedevacantism, and the Siri Thesis
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “The Rock” (1967), Siri makes veiled references to a Papacy in Eclipse
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “Theologians & the Magisterium” (1980), Siri clarifies the authority of theologians
- Findings, Arguments, Speculations on Conclaves of 1958 and 1963
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “The Hour of Peter,” Siri speaks of True and False Theologians, Drugs & Hallucinogens
- St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy: “Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer”
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “Does Orthodoxy Exist,” Siri speaks of orthodoxy & heresy
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “The Infallible Ordinary Magisterium” Siri speaks of infallibility and the Faith
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “No Salvation outside the Church” Siri speaks of this Dogma Modernists hate
- Cardinal Siri mocks Vatican II’s Doctrine of Collegiality
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “The Election of the Roman Pontiff” Siri speaks of external forces trying to influence the conclave
- 1958 Article in Milan Newspaper mentions Smoke Signal Confusion at 1958 Conclave
- Cardinal Siri Speaks: In “The Marginalization of the Church” Siri speaks of secular attacks on the Church
- Mgr. Fulton Sheen Prophecy of 1948: Anti-Christ and Anti-Church
- Fr. Kramer Prediction of 1955: Hindered Papal Election, by means of threats, would put Church through extended interregnum, immense suffering
- Comments on the Eclipse of the Church and October 26, 1958
- Highly speculative, but very interesting: White Smoke 1958
- Response to John Vennari & Rev. Nicholas Gruner on their Q&A about Cardinal Siri’s Election
Here are some of the things Cardinal Siri said in later years.
“Masonic infiltrations in the Church? I’m sure of it.” –Giuesepei Siri
When asked whether he had been elected Pope, Siri answered, “I am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible. I would have books to write about the different conclaves. Very serious things have taken place. But I can say nothing.”
When offered to be taken to the America where people could help him, Siri said that would be impossible. He could not go, because “they” could –– and would — kill him at any time.
The Mysterious Conclave of 1958
Was someone else elected before John XXIII?