JFK Murdered by Mossad

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (the ONLY Catholic President in the U.S.) was a bit of a quagmire because on the one hand he cut deals with the Jewish Lobby to get elected…but, on the other hand, he exposed them and fought against their warmongering evil plans.

Benjamin Freedman pointed out how in 1960, JFK gave a speech to the Zionist Organization of America and promised to protect them in a military fashion. We covered that information here.

We also, firmly, believe that the best expert in the world on this topic was Michael Collins Piper (MCP – may he rest in peace and may God’s perpetual light shine upon his soul).

In this video, MCP points out how “the Israeli connection” was responsible for the death of JFK.

His book, “Final Judgement” is available to read online here or here:

So why would the Mossad be the brainchild behind it all? Was it because of how he was determined to stop their nuclear program?

This article explains:

The public record now demonstrates that in 1963 JFK was embroiled in a bitter secret conflict with Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s drive to build the atomic bomb; that Ben-Gurion resigned in disgust, saying that because of JFK’s policies, Israel’s “existence [was] in danger.” Then upon JFK’s assassination, U.S. policy toward Israel began an immediate 180-degree turnaround.