
“Dispensationalism” is the lie behind the false teachings of the “Pre-tribulation Rapture” and Hollywood’s movies like Left Behind, etc. It, first, became popular in America with Nelson Darby and the Scofield Bible but the lies go back further to a mis-translation of the King James Bible version and how Edward Irving took advantage of the difference of the Bible version in the first half of the 19th century.

Here is a simple description of how to understand the heresy of “Dispensationalism” (A SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF SCOFIELD DISPENSATIONALISM).


Learn more details on the roots of the Christian Zionist movement in this video titled, “The Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy.”


*Note: you just have to click saying you are old enough to watch it.*

How Christians Were Duped By the Scofield Bible:

*If/When the 2 videos above are scrubbed then please go to the original source of the author which can be accessed by clicking here.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer reminds us that we must ask ourselves, “Is the Church the Bride of Christ…or the Concubine of Christ?…Where the promises of Christ fulfilled in Jesus or postponed by Jesus?…That’s the difference between the mainline position of the churches, and dispensationalism.”



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